Sunday, August 15, 2010


Edmodo launched in September of 2008 and is a free microblogging site for teachers to organize a virtual classroom.  It currently has just over 100,000 users.

 After signing up for a free account:

teachers can modify their profiles and send provide students with a user code that will link them to that teacher.

Students are not required to have an email which is tremendously beneficial because in our local school district students are not allowed to access email at school and any platform that requires email for authorization always brings frustration because registration must be completed at home and not all students are permitted to have their own email accounts.  This consideration was the first big benefit I discovered when researching the possibilities with Edmodo.

The site allows teachers to share files, create assignments, manage grades, post notifications, hyperlinks, videos, create polls, or communicate with various classes and colleagues.  In essence, Edmodo is a social-networking site for the classroom.

After joining the teacher's group, students can communicate in a variety of public and private means such as also posting links, videos,  or comments.

I am eager to use Edmodo in my AR research and share it with colleagues from my former school.  For my AR project I am going to have students video record themselves using Apple's Photo Booth software as they read.  After each video they complete, I will have them privately send the video to me with their comments on the video.  I am excited to have found Edmodo as I think it will be a great way for me to manage the numerous amounts of video that I will accumulate moving forward with my project.  An additional feature that Edmodo provides to teachers is an online library to store files for use year after year.  These files could be more traditional assignments, such as worksheets, that could then simply be populated by uploading it to the new class at the given time in the course of each semester.

I think that utilizing the full potential of Edmodo will reveal it to be a really great collaborative tool!

1 comment:

  1. Kevin this is great. I was trying to locate something really similar but was having a hard time. This seems really simple, and I love the fact that it is free, especially with the non existent budget that most of us have. I like the idea of collecting the student videos into the virtual classroom, so that all the data can be stored easily in one location. It is a great way to communicate with parents and other teachers about what the students have created and are able to understand. This will go well with the tool that I found for creating the multimedia since our school does not have access to the iMac capabilities. Thanks for sharing.
